Mold Inspections Before Buying a Home

Mold can take over a home very quickly if it has the right atmosphere in which to thrive. Before you buy any home, you should do a complete inspection. One of the best places to find a good company in Tallahassee is Yelp. Below are some simple guidelines you can use to determine whether or not mold has invested a home you may want to purchase.

Water Marks

Water marks on the walls of a home are one way to identify a possible mold problem. Mold thrives on moisture.  Watermarks are a sign that the property may have been damaged by a water intrusion.  The watermarked areas, if left untreated, can lead to mold infestation. Contact 360 Degrees Home Inspections for an inspection.

Musty Smells

Musty smelling rooms are also a sign that there may be a mold infestation in the home. Laundry rooms, bathrooms, kitchens and basements that smell musty are all clues that the home may be infested with mold. If you smell must in the kitchen, be sure to open the kitchen cupboards where plumbing may be installed to see if the musty smell is stronger in this area. If the bathroom has cupboards around the wash basin, then open them and look out for the smell of must. If the musty smell increases once kitchen and bathroom cabinets are open, then this is a sure sign of mold infestation.

Stucco Construction

If your potential home was built in the last three or five years, the walls might have been constructed using synthetic stucco as insulation material. While synthetic stucco is very beneficial for improving insulation if it is installed improperly it can become a medium for water to penetrate the walls of a home and cause mold growth inside the walls. While a home inspection can be costly if you are seriously contemplating buying a home, you’ll need to have the home professionally inspected for mold in the insulation.

Legal and Real Estate Agents

In some states homeowners are mandated by law to disclose mold problems, you and your real estate agent should ensure that the owners are aware of this law once it is enforced in your state. This will increase your chances of full disclosure about mold problems in the home. It is also a good idea to ask questions about whether pipes have burst over the years or if there are windows that leak since incidents like these can lead to moisture formation and mold growth.

Mold damage is costly to eliminate and can lead to respiratory problems for you and others who will live in the home. Since, your finances and health are at risk when a house is infested with mold, any sign of mold damage should be treated as a serious issue.

What’s Included In A Home Mold Inspection?

Do you think that there’s mold growing in your home?  Have you seen traces of mold?  Have you noticed a weird smell or that the humidity level seems to be too high?  You need to schedule a mold inspection because this is the only way to assess the issue. If the tests are positive, you’ll need to have mold removal services performed, but you shouldn’t start looking at mold removal until you have had an inspection performed.

Humidity Problems

A mold inspector should look for the mold that is growing in your home and figure out what is causing the humidity problem. Both issues need to be addressed since mold can start growing back if humidity remains too high in your home. The professional you hire to inspect your home will take the time to check all the usual spots where mold grows.

Visible and Invisible

Mold is sometimes visible, but if there are traces of mold on the ceiling or walls, there may be more in hidden spaces. The inspector needs to check crawl spaces, check behind wall panels and look in other spots where mold could be growing out of sight. The thorough investigation is the only way to assess how severe the problem is.
A mold inspector will be able to check for mold without disturbing your home. If you are worried about this, ask a few questions to find out how the inspection will be performed.

Potential Leaks

The inspector you hire will look at your plumbing to see if there is an issue with leaks or damage. If you know of any leaks, let the inspector know where they are since there will probably be mold in these areas.
Mold can start growing under the carpet, in the drywall and ventilation ducts. Mold can be difficult to detect because these areas are not easy to access, which is why you need to find an inspector who will check all these areas.

Air Quality Issues

A mold inspection should also include air quality testing. Testing is necessary because this is the only way to determine what kind of mold is growing in your home and to select the best method for removal. The inspector will take mold samples if mold is found and will either perform the tests themselves or send it to a lab.
If you hire an inspector, who will take samples to send them to a lab, find out when you will receive the test results. It is best to hire an inspector who can provide you with the results of the tests within a week since a mold problem can spread very quickly.
Look for a licensed mold inspection who has years of experience in this field and who has a solid reputation. Contact different inspectors to ask them a few questions on how they work and to make sure they will check every area where mold could be growing in your home.

What Are The Dangers Of Radon?

A radioactive gas, radon is naturally produced when uranium starts decaying. It is possible to be exposed to radon if you drink well water or if there is radon present in the ground in the area where you live. Radon is dangerous because breathing air with high radon concentrations significantly increases your risks of developing lung cancer.

Damages Cells

Radon is a dangerous gas because it causes damages to your cells. You are in danger of developing lung cancer if you live in a home with high radon levels. Smokers are at even greater risk of the combined damage of smoking with breathing air that contains high radon levels represent a serious health hazard.
Indoor air with high radon levels is especially dangerous if you have young children because they are more sensitive to the damages caused by this gas. Children who are exposed to high radon levels are more at risk for some respiratory conditions and have higher chances of developing lung cancer later in life.
Exposure to high levels of radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among Americans who do not smoke. It is estimated that over 20,0000 of individuals die from a lung cancer that was caused by exposure to radon every year.

Invisible and Odorless

Radon is dangerous because you will not notice that there are high radon levels in the air you breathe. This gas has no odors, and you will not notice any immediate side effects caused by exposure to radon. You might live for years in a home with high radon levels without realizing that it is affecting your health.

Water Contamination

Radon is also dangerous because it can be present in the water you drink. You need to have well water tested regularly. If you drink tap water, you should know that the water in your area might contain high radon levels if this gas can be found in the soil.

What if You Suspect Radon?

The best thing to do is to have your home tested for radon. There is no way of knowing how much of this dangerous gas you are breathing in until you have some tests done. It is possible to reduce your exposure to this gas by making a few changes to your home.

Fixing a radon problem is actually not too complicated.  Check out this video to see how it is corrected.

You should also consider quitting smoking since the combination of cigarette smoke and radon can be disastrous for your health. You should also know that second-hand smoke can be even more devastating when it is combined with radon.

Have your home and well water tested for radon if you think you might be exposed to this gas. Making a few changes to your home and quitting smoking will dramatically improve the quality of the air you breathe and will reduce your chances of developing lung cancer. This is especially important if you have children or elderly since they are most sensitive to radon.  Contact us today.

Top Reasons To Hire A Professional Home Inspector

Purchasing a home can be a very exciting event for any person; however, it does come with some stress and anxiety.  When buying a home, there are various points to take into account to ensure you are receiving a good deal and not being scammed.  Unlike rental properties, home purchasing requires a personal home inspection before any contracts are signed.  It is possible to complete an independent home inspection where you check the building by yourself, but this is not ideal as you may not have the correct knowledge for a successful investigation.  An adequate investigation often calls for a trained inspector.  This article will provide information on the top reasons to hire a licensed home inspector.

What Is A Home Inspection?

A home inspection is a review of various aspects of the home to check that the building is “up to scratch.”  It involves the completion of a home inspection checklist as an inspector goes through the house detailing any problems.  Once the list is completed, a report is drafted as an official document of structural soundness.

Why Is A Professional Home Inspector Recommended?

1. Peace Of Mind

Purchasing a new home can be a very expensive transaction and may be one of the largest purchases any individual will make in their lifetime.  We highly recommend an inspection to ensure that this investment is a sound one with no risk.  It may be easier to disregard the check, but this small activity will provide peace of mind by reducing any unnecessary stress.  An inspection will ensure that the house, and your investment, is stable and safe.

2. Cost-Effective

Contrary to popular belief, the cost of a professional home inspection is not very high.  Typically fees will differ according to the house size, but the average rate will range between $400 and $600.  As buying a house is quite a significant investment, it may be worth considering that a small fee will be worth gaining peace of mind at a cost-effective rate.  If you prefer to complete the inspection independently, you may be required to contact a professional anyway if you become confused or find problems you’re unable to resolve. This wastes time and is an additional expenditure and is this something you want to avoid.

3. Identifying Pest Problems

In addition to safety hazards and structural problems, the professional home inspector will be able to identify and resolve present pest problems.  Various types of infestations can occur, and they can arise in any area of the home.  A trained professional will have knowledge of these parasites and will be able to manage the problem efficiently.  Furthermore, he or she will provide recommendations for preventative measures that will reduce any future infestations.

4.  Required for Financing

In many cases, a home inspection will be required by the lender or the insurance company before they will participate in the transaction.  If they want to protect their investment, shouldn’t you?

Final Words On The Matter

As can be seen, the home inspection is a highly recommended aspect in the process of purchasing a home. Contact us today to schedule your slot.

What Are The Key Components Of A Home Inspection?

If you’re planning on buying a new home, you’ll have to have a home inspector look at it first. This may seem unnecessary, but it protects you. Sometimes, a home may have problems that are easy for you to see. But in other situations, a house may have hidden problems that only a professional can find.

pre drywall inspection

Below, you’ll find some of the key components of a home inspection.

1. Checking The Roof

Roofs usually do not need regular maintenance to stay in excellent condition if they have been installed correctly. Depending on the material of the roof, they also need to be replaced every 10 or 15 years. An inspector will examine the roof and determine whether or not it still needs work.

2. Examining The Foundation

In addition to looking for problems at the top of the home, an inspector will do a careful check underneath the home as well. They’ll look for any cracks or faults in the foundation. Foundation damage can cause significant problems down the road.

3. Checking For Mold

A home inspector should always test a home for mold. Mold isn’t always something you’ll notice when doing a walk through of a house, but it can cause a lot of major issues. A mold inspector should be able to check to see if there is mold behind the walls or beneath the flooring.

4. Looking For Electrical Issues

Faulty wiring can be a big problem. If left untreated, it could cause electrical issues to occur. Inspectors will make sure that there are no problems with the home’s outlets or wiring.  Only hire a licensed electrician to do the repairs.

5. Looking For Leaks

Even if you don’t see any water when you walk through a home, a savvy inspector should be able to find evidence of leaks. A homeowner can mop up standing water before a walkthrough, but they can’t hide proof of a leak completely.

6. Examining The Furnace

Older homes often have older furnaces to go with them. These furnaces can wind up experiencing a lot of problems. The inspector will examine the furnace so that they can determine if it needs to be repaired or replaced.

7. Checking For Pest Problems

If a home has rats, termites, or some other kind of vermin, you’re probably not going to want to move your stuff into it. An inspector knows what the signs of vermin are. If they suspect that the home has some pest problems, they’ll pass along the information that they have to do.

8. Providing You With A Written Report

After an inspector completes a visual inspection of the home, they’ll provide you with a detailed report. While they should talk over any major issues with you, reading through the report can give you a better idea of the home you’re buying.

You shouldn’t be too nervous about a home inspection. If something is wrong, the inspector will be able to keep you from making a big mistake. On the other hand, with a positive report, you’ll be able to move into it without worrying. You’ll know that the inspector already checked the house from top to bottom.  Read more about our services here.

Investigate your Investment

We turn over every rock.

When you look for a home inspector, you want someone curious and tenacious.  You want someone who is going to looks for the things that most people miss.  You want someone who has your best interest in mind.

At 360 Degrees Home Inspection we will inspect your new investment from top to bottom, side to side.  We look under the skirt and check it out coming and going.

Give us a call to discuss what you need and we’ll drop everything and come over to make sure that you’re fully informed about your potential purchase.

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